16 Aug

Shopping linkies and giveaway winner

I have been shopping too much: TPT, stores… Every where!
I found these cool linky parties to show off some of my purchases:
The first one is from  Blog Hoppin‘:
I bough some things on Teachers Pay teachers during the big sale. But I won’t be teaching English next year, and just 3 hours of Spanish so I could not use all those super units for back to school.
I have to create almost everything I need so I spent some money on CLIPART. You already know that we have great TPT clipart sellers because most of you joined our giveaway. 
Congrats to Jenny Q.(from Australia)
She sent me a wonderful e-mail thanking all of us for organizing it. She will use the clipart during her pract. weeks.
I also want to thank all the people that participated. We will definitely have another one!
So as I was saying, I spent some money buying from fellow clip art sellers:
These two sets come from Graphics from the Pond. Mel is just great. I love her work. You can visit her blog to read about her great clip art and her Premium club.

Click on the picture to go to her store:

I also got some clip art from Ginger Snaps Clip art. I just discovered her neon classroom set. You can check her blog too.
Click on the picture to go to her store:
And this was something I will be able to use with my students this year. It’s math and it’s in English, BUT it has minimum written parts and I will be able to use almost everything. I love the Bingo boards!
To visit her blog: The teacher wife
Click on the picture to go to the product.

I am also linking with The School Supply addict.
Her link is related to shopping too:

I had a great back to school shopping trip to buy everything I needed and and a little extra just for fun.
I am glad our students always bring their supply list. And parents even replace broken/lost items. Aren’t they great?

Here you have a big photo with everything I bought.
I have numbered the items to make it clearer:

1-plastic boxes that match my classroom colors.
2-Stick glue.
3-Multiplication flashcards.
       I will be looping with my firsties to second grade. Last year they loved reviewing math facts so I thought I could give each one of them a small pack of flashcards to review at home.
You can read about our math reviewing game clicking on the picture.
I know…. disgusting …. but FUN!

4-Elastic bands to make masks.
5-Construction paper.
6-Card games for indoor recess.
7.Some new scissors, these also match my colors 🙂
8-100€ napkins that we will use during our 100th day party.
9- Rainbow springs, I still have to think about how I will use these.
10- red-blue two sides coloring pencils, these come very handy when you want your students to circle in different colors.
I can’t be more excited. I haven’t been able to try them. But I will show you as soon as I do.

I hope you are enjoying your back to school shopping. 
Thanks for reading the whole post…. It was long!

10 Aug

My vista Print order finally arrived!

Back to school is still far away (we don’t go back until September). But all those sales, linkies and classroom photos make me feel like I am ready to go back.
Checking all those incredible blogs I decided joining  CHRISTINA BAINBRIDGE linky party about vistaprint:
. She has hosted a wonderful post with great ideas for Vistaprint orders. I assume that most of you know about Vistaprint. But if you don’t you should check the site: Printed resources for almost nothing!
I could hardly wait for my Vistaprint creations to arrived and here they are! I know I could have been a little more patient and have done the photos on my table to make them look better… (But it is actually full of some back to school projects).  So here I am opening it on the floor and spreading everything to show you some pics:

We are required a test every month or so on each subject and these are my little cards to inform families about the results of a test. It says something like ‘I got an __ on math/science…’
These stickers are to announce a test. Students stick them in their diaries to remember the date. They say something like: ‘Math test: do your homework and study the multiplication tables.’
I always send home homework related to the test during that week to reinforce it a little bit.
I have some blank magnets too. What can I use them for? I don’t know yet, but they were free so I got them!
 And last, I did this Reading club cards to inform about the reading rules. They use them as a bookmark.
I also got those diplomas. It says something like ‘Congratulations! After so much studying you learned your time tables.’ It really sounds better in valenciano… On the back I can write down the dates when they master each table.
And now you have seen everything in my Vistaprint order. I can’t wait to show it to my students. 🙂
Thanks Christina for your linky party, now I can think of more ideas and set a new order!
21 Jul

Thinking about going Back to School

We won’t go Back to School until September! And here I am already planning. I have spent many days drawing my School clip art, joining giveaways and creating my newest Back to School games and crafts.
You will be able to see ALL my school clip art in some days… I am currently working on my science clip art.
Be patient!  ðŸ™‚

My latest unit is something that has been on my mind forever. Every year I create something similar and this year I decided that I should create something better.
And here it is! I am superproud, It may look like a print and color craftivity but the good thing is that you can decide how long do you want your students to work on it.
You can use just a desk and a photo or go with the whole pack where your kids design their t-shirt, draw the faces and complete a school tool.
I like that each kid craft is going to look different.
You can check it on my TPT store.
If you get to buy and use it I would love seeing photos!

I am also joining a new linky from Fabulous 4th grade Froggies.

Fabulous 4th Grade Froggies

Back to School won’t happen until September but I already have a list:
1. Redesigning my Teacher Binder.
2. Working on my classroom management plan.
3. Laminating everything I have done/purchased.
4. Painting my cork board.
5. SHOP! I will be buying new baskets for my classroom. I can tell you I will buy more than baskets… 🙂
Now I am going to read all your lists. I know that that will make mine longer…