This week we had lots of fun! End of the year is close so I am trying to make things as fun as possible as everyone is tired at this point of the year.
We started learning about Odd and Even with our calculators mini posters. Get them free!
Then we could move on with the practice!
With the world cup so near it was very exciting practicing it with this game:
It is super simple. Have you heard about pares o nones? It is just a simple game:
Then both say:
1, 2, 3…. PARES o NONES?
1, 2, 3…. ODD or EVEN?
And both students show a hand with the number that they choose.
In our case the referee determines the winner and he or she moves to the next ‘match’.
We have a Champion 1 and a Champion 2 so both final players take the crown home that day.
This game is very popular in my first grade classroom. They play on their own and the crowns go home almost every day.
We are studying transports at the same time so Odd and Even street were a must:
We did a number dictation and put them in order while talking about houses in real streets.
We did this little foldable streets and had fun playing with them creating our city with traffic signals and little cars.
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