15 Oct

I am back. Again…

I have completely neglected the blog. Life happens…

I had a daughter 11 months ago. We are beyond happy and super tired, so creating new stuff and posting on the blog  was not a priority. In fact I have started this post so many times I had to edit the age of the baby twice. 😉

After a whole year at home with the baby I feel (almost) ready to go back to school.

Before leaving the class I packed most of my personal stuff into 6 big boxes and took them home. I still left a ton of personal stuff because I was feeling tired (pregnant). I wish I didn’t take so much home, because I ended having a wonderful sub, and everything was in perfect conditions.

I loved being a teacher again. I have an awesome group this year. I loved decorating the classroom and organizing everything. And I am enjoying read aloud time more than ever. During these months I have bought many books and I can’t wait to show them to my students.


After a whole month teaching half-day I love my new situation. I have my day in the classroom but I go back early enough to enjoy the afternoons as a mom. I don’t know how this is going to work with TpT but as you can see she is already helping. 😉


Don’t forget to grab this awesome freebie.

number words freebie



31 Mar

Moon foldable, expensive ice-creams and drawing Easter friends

This is our last week before Spring break. We have finished our moon unit. If you have following for a while there are many Space resources in the blog. The moon foldable has been updated and now includes this astronaut craftivity and a Neil Armstrong foldable too.

We just used the moon information but this activity can be used in many different ways.

We are also studying money.
I gave the kids lots of ice-cream pieces and asked them to design the best ice-cream ever.

They really did their best.
Once they had glued all the parts I posted the prices on the whiteboard and asked them to calculate the price of the ice-cream and pay me 😉 .

There were some regrets like: My ice-cream is too big. But in the end everyone was able to find the coins needed.

In my school we always staple all the student’s worksheets at the end of each term. This is the cover we used for this term. Click on the picture and grab it:

I projected this examples on the smartboard and asked them to design their own Easter friends.

They were really proud.

I wish I had taken a photo with all of them.


09 Oct

Place value week

This week has been all about place value! 
I have started to create my own classroom posters in A3. This makes them easier to see and to organize. I also added a small magnet at the back of poster to hang it on the wall. All my walls are great for magnets as I am in a portable. I saw this great idea in Teaching with Style. Thanks!!!
So going back to the Place Value stuff we introduced hundreds. First we created them with dough. We had fun creating numbers with Play Dough.
To work on this unit I have purchased some cool stuff from TPT. Check out:
 Number Knowledge {Place Value and Comparing/Ordering Numbers}Playing Around With Place ValueNumbers in Base Ten {5 Math Centers 0-700}

I specially love Amy Lemon’s stuff when I teach second grade. We used some of the manipulatives in one of her packets with this worksheet. Check out her blog posts about place value.

She makes visual stuff that I don’t need to translate to Spanish.
I also used some freebies. Blair Turner has this great Place Value activity with three different levels. My kids have already gone through level 1 and 2. We worked in pairs and I created the response sheet myself in Spanish. Thanks Blair! Check other free scoot games:
FREE Reading and Writing 3-Digit Numbers (Standard, ExpandPlace Value Rock Place Value Scoot - 3-digit numbers using base 10 (MAB) blocks