Are you going back in-person with your students? With so many teachers vaccinated I know most of you are going back your classrooms this spring.
It is so exciting seeing the kids after so long.
We have been face to face in Spain all year. And I loved it. I mean it was scary at some times but I know kids need and deserve seeing their friends and playing together.
In Spain we have ‘bubble classrooms’. It means that we can be close to each other with our group but we cannot be close to other person from another classroom.
I have a couple of tips for you.
The first weeks are the most difficult. Kids are not used to be masked all day. And there are many new safety rules. So try to relax and focus on the new rules as you do some fun activities.
The second tip is that you teach outside as much as you can. My second graders love math centers, story telling and reading outside.
Today I am sharing with you these Spanish posters for safety rules in the classroom. In the next posts I’ll try to post some social distance ideas for your classroom.
Thanks for reading!