28 Sep

Back to school week with No David

back to school week freebies


I finally found some time to share our first week in the classroom.

If you have been following for a while you know that last year I was teaching secondgrade. This year I am back to first and loving every minute.

I will be teaching Art to first and second grade too.

So our first week went superfast as always. I spent most of the time working on transitions and expectations. And I can see some of that now. 🙂

We started with a small game/chant to know each other and then we made a minibook about our first day in first grade. You can find a similar one here.

back to school minibook

We did first day crowns too. I forgot taking pictures so I am sharing them for free. Click on the picture to download the freebie with English and Spanish crowns (only first and second grade available).
back to school free crowns

During the next days we worked on more rules and expectations, our favorite book was David goes to School or David va al colegio. We read the book and we had a discussion about classroom rules. Lots of don’t pee on the table, or don’t spit in your friend’s schoolbag… I have a funny bunch this year.

No David activities for the first week of school

When we could make a decision I wrote the on an anchor chart and drew David. By the time I was drawing it the kids where drawing it too on their desks. They had never done a directed drawing so I gave them a little help. Feel free to use it with your kids.

no david directed drawing

11 Jul

Space unit resources

I am currently working on my Space Unit. 

We are required to do this, and other units, from scratch as we don’t use textbooks for Science or Social Studies in my school.
I have started with some planning looking at our Science Common Core Standards (we call them Competencias).
At the end of this unit my Second Graders should be able to understand the explain between day and night, moon phases, a little bit about planets, seasons…
But I just started with the MOON:
This is what I have so far:

Some good read alouds that could cover from K-2.

My favorite is A que sabe la luna? It is a story of a group of animals that want to taste the moon. It is a very sweet story that will teach some team work to my students.

I have also prepared a new science Fold and Learn activity that you can find on my TPT store: Moon Phases Fold and Learn.

I have a inclusion classroom with high diversity so I always try that my crafts work on different levels. 

I have also found this video from Discovery Kids that teaches about the moon.

And I have left the best part until the end, as a little recompense for the ones that have been reading the whole post 😉
You may have use NASA website with your students to teach about Space.
It has been translated into Spanish so I include a link.
(click on the photo)
We have ESA in Europe (European Space Agency). And the good news is that it also has a kids site, and you can read it in many different languages. 

(click on the photo)

I still have much to do on my Space unit but I’d love reading everyone’s ideas on this unit. 
13 May

Favorite (Spanish) Read-Alouds Linky Party

I read this post from Run Miss Nelson’s got the camera and I needed to join.I will share my favorite Read-Alouds in Spanish.

You can find almost every book in this list in English too. But I just wanted to share them in Spanish.

I usually loop with my students (1st-2nd grade) so I have two different lists for favorite Read-Alouds for each grade.
In first grade I mainly read picture books that they will read later in the classroom library.
In second grade I love reading chapter books to my students. They still like picture books. But reading the first book on a character series helps me to ‘hook’ them on the series.

I know it is difficult finding this books in Spanish at cheap prices. So I wanted to share this wonderful site. It is like amazon but it is a bit cheaper and FREE delivery WORLWIDE:

10% Discount / APMA12 Coupon Code / Book Depository

This week they have 10% OFF sale.