I have been shopping too much: TPT, stores… Every where!
I found these cool linky parties to show off some of my purchases:
I bough some things on Teachers Pay teachers during the big sale. But I won’t be teaching English next year, and just 3 hours of Spanish so I could not use all those super units for back to school.
I have to create almost everything I need so I spent some money on CLIPART. You already know that we have great TPT clipart sellers because most of you joined our giveaway.
Congrats to Jenny Q.(from Australia)
She sent me a wonderful e-mail thanking all of us for organizing it. She will use the clipart during her pract. weeks.
I also want to thank all the people that participated. We will definitely have another one!
So as I was saying, I spent some money buying from fellow clip art sellers:
These two sets come from Graphics from the Pond. Mel is just great. I love her work. You can visit her
blog to read about her great clip art and her Premium club.
Click on the picture to go to her store:
I also got some clip art from Ginger Snaps Clip art. I just discovered her neon classroom set. You can check her
blog too.
Click on the picture to go to her store:
And this was something I will be able to use with my students this year. It’s math and it’s in English, BUT it has minimum written parts and I will be able to use almost everything. I love the Bingo boards!
Click on the picture to go to the product.

I am also linking with The School Supply addict.
Her link is related to shopping too:
I had a great back to school shopping trip to buy everything I needed and and a little extra just for fun.
I am glad our students always bring their supply list. And parents even replace broken/lost items. Aren’t they great?
Here you have a big photo with everything I bought.
I have numbered the items to make it clearer:

1-plastic boxes that match my classroom colors.
2-Stick glue.
3-Multiplication flashcards.
I will be looping with my firsties to second grade. Last year they loved reviewing math facts so I thought I could give each one of them a small pack of flashcards to review at home.
You can read about our math reviewing game clicking on the picture.
I know…. disgusting …. but FUN!
4-Elastic bands to make masks.
5-Construction paper.
6-Card games for indoor recess.
7.Some new scissors, these also match my colors 🙂
8-100€ napkins that we will use during our 100th day party.
9- Rainbow springs, I still have to think about how I will use these.
10- red-blue two sides coloring pencils, these come very handy when you want your students to circle in different colors.
I can’t be more excited. I haven’t been able to try them. But I will show you as soon as I do.
I hope you are enjoying your back to school shopping.
Thanks for reading the whole post…. It was long!