I finally found some time to share our first week in the classroom.
If you have been following for a while you know that last year I was teaching secondgrade. This year I am back to first and loving every minute.
I will be teaching Art to first and second grade too.
So our first week went superfast as always. I spent most of the time working on transitions and expectations. And I can see some of that now. 🙂
We started with a small game/chant to know each other and then we made a minibook about our first day in first grade. You can find a similar one here.
We did first day crowns too. I forgot taking pictures so I am sharing them for free. Click on the picture to download the freebie with English and Spanish crowns (only first and second grade available).
During the next days we worked on more rules and expectations, our favorite book was David goes to School or David va al colegio. We read the book and we had a discussion about classroom rules. Lots of don’t pee on the table, or don’t spit in your friend’s schoolbag… I have a funny bunch this year.
When we could make a decision I wrote the on an anchor chart and drew David. By the time I was drawing it the kids where drawing it too on their desks. They had never done a directed drawing so I gave them a little help. Feel free to use it with your kids.
Te echamos de menos 🙁 Espero que todo esté Ok! Vuelve pronto por aquí con tus geniales ideas!!
Gracias!!!! Sí. Hoy mismo me pongo con lo que he ido dejando atrás. 🙂
Hi, I was wanting to do the directed drawing of David with my kinders at the beginning of the year, but I was hoping to use starter framework that you have pictured. Is there anyway I can get a copy of this? Thanks for sharing your great ideas!
Just click on the image and save it on your computer to print it. Thank you 🙂
Hola!! No tendras por casualidad las coronas y los badges en català? me gustaría utilizarlos. gracias