04 Jul

currently July and new award

This has been a very festive week here in Spain. We are not celebrating 4th of July, but we won the Eurocup last Sunday. I can tell you that everyone I know was watching the game, even if they don’t like soccer. 
It’s been a busy week for me, with lots of cleaning that I had been postponing. So there is no better way to get you updated than linking with Oh boy Fourth Grade with this Currently July.

On the other hand, I also went to a great concert (as you can read on the currently July that I wrote before). We were specifically told by the singers to take photos/videos of the concert and send them to our friends so they could see what they were missing. 
I have also been awarded with the versatile award three times!
First, I want to thank them! Visit their blog for some great ideas:


And now I have to pass this award to  5 awesome bloggers.
Here are the rules that go along with this award.
1. Thank the blogger who nominated you & include a link to their site
2.  Include the award image in your post
3.  Nominate five other bloggers for this award, tell them they’ve been nominated & include a link
     to their site
4.  Share seven random facts about yourself
I have decide passing this award to…
Diving into learning. A new blog that starts with a giveaway! 

2 crazy Texas Teachers. Check out their newesr creation from pinterest!

Calling Plays in 2nd Grade
Calling Plays in Second Grade. She has a new great blog design!

Dilly Dabbles. She has great graphics.
Fun-Key Dual Language for first grade. A dual first grade teacher.
I ended writing a very long post. So I will keep my 7 random facts about myself very short:
1. I teach first grade.
2.  I will be teaching second grade next year.
3. I have 2 brothers.
4. I live next to the Mediterranean sea.
5. I can’t cook.
6. I love drawing.
7. I have been teaching in the same school for 6 years.


  1. I found you at Farley's linky party and am your newest follower! How cool to be teaching in Spain! Are you from the U.S.?

  2. I love Mo Willems books! How nice it must be to live next to the Mediterranean Sea. I would love to visit Spain at some point in my lifetime!

  3. I am now following you! Please follow me too! I have a newer blog and need teacher friends. Congratulations on your award!

  4. I was excited to see that Spain won the Eurocup! I've never been to Spain, but hope to visit someday 🙂 Enjoy your summer!

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