Here are the rules:
1. You must post the rules and link your tag back to the person who tagged you.
2. Answer the questions of the person who tagged you.
3. Create 10 questions of your own for others to answer.
4. Tag 10 people and link it with your post.
Here are the questions that Krista from The Second Grade Super Kids sent me:
1. What is your favorite color to paint your nails? I usually don’t paint my nails, but when I do I like them black.
2. Do you have anything that you collect in your classroom to display (ie. I have an obsession with sock monkeys!) Do plastic containers count? I could easily have more than 50… I like postcards. I save all the postcards the students send me every year. Love those memories.
3. What is something you do every year for open house at your school (ours is coming up and I would love ideas!)? We don’t have Open House in Spain… I would love having one. I once read about a teacher that created a game so kids and parents could discover the classroom together. I would like doing something like that.
4. Do you have a pet….do share!? No, I don’t have pets. I live in a small apartment.
5. What time do you usually wake up and get to school on a typical school day? I get up al 7:30 and leave home about 8:30 and walk to school. I live about 25 minutes walking from my school. We start at 9:00.
6. What did you dress up as on the last Halloween that you dressed up? We don’t really celebrate Halloween in Spain. It started a few years ago. But my last disguise in school for last Mardi Grass was as a diver. We were celebrating water year in our school. And there is no way I share that photo!
7. What is something silly that you are afraid of? (I am afraid of fish…silly right? or so I am told!) I ‘m scared of birds. It’s quite silly… I shouldn’t see that Alfred Hitchcock film.
8. What is your favorite part of working at your school, besides the students in your classroom? I am in the Theater group and also in the library. I could not decide because I love drama and books.
9. What tv show do you can you absolutely not miss each week? We have a programme in Spain called Spanish people around the world (that would be the translation) I imagine myself living abroad every time we watch it.
10. What is the #1 thing you hope your students leave your classroom remembering at the end of the year? The peaceful environment we have when we all learning together and helping each other. I love that humming in the classroom when working in small groups.

Heidi Raki – Raki’s Rad Resources – Morocco
Ms. Nyla – Nyla’s Crafty Teaching – Trinidad & Tobago
Amanda Myers – A Special Kind of Classroom
Michelle Walker – Creative Classroom – South Africa
Sara Svatos – La Professora of the Stress Free Spanish Teacher – The Netherlands
Arlene Sandberg – LMN Tree – United States
Yvonne Crawford – Miximinder – France
Melissa Green – Dilly Dabbles – United States
Michelle Lundy – Making it as a Middle School Teacher – United States
Pamela Ostler – Chalk & Slate – Switzerland
Krystal Mills – Lessons from the Middle – Canada
The Resourceful Teacher – United States
Trish Hoppy – The Reading Owl – Phillipeans
Ms. Nyla – Nyla’s Crafty Teaching – Trinidad & Tobago
Amanda Myers – A Special Kind of Classroom
Michelle Walker – Creative Classroom – South Africa
Sara Svatos – La Professora of the Stress Free Spanish Teacher – The Netherlands
Arlene Sandberg – LMN Tree – United States
Yvonne Crawford – Miximinder – France
Melissa Green – Dilly Dabbles – United States
Michelle Lundy – Making it as a Middle School Teacher – United States
Pamela Ostler – Chalk & Slate – Switzerland
Krystal Mills – Lessons from the Middle – Canada
The Resourceful Teacher – United States
Trish Hoppy – The Reading Owl – Phillipeans
My Questions are:
- Where are you from?
- Where do you teach?
- Which subject and grade do you teach?
- What would you do if you weren’t a teacher?
- What do you wear to school?
- What did you do during spring break?
- Where would you like to travel next Summer?
- Imagine that you earn some kind of School Lottery and you can buy anything for your school/classroom. What would you get?
- Which is your favorite store for teaching materials?
- Which is your favorite store for clothes?
I am not the biggest fan of birds either! Especially seagulls- whenever I go to the beach–ahh…they basically attack you to get near any food that is near you! Thanks for takin the time to answer my questions! It was fun!
The Second Grade Superkids