I have been reading all your blogs this week. Reading about Summer linky parties, end of the year games and so on. But I have 3 weeks left. We finish June 22nd. So we are having lots of tests and many teacher meetings.
In the middle of all this stress I finally managed to change my bulletin board. May flowers were shrivelling.

We had extra time so we decorated some ice cream for the Bulletin Board with our names on it.
Everything was quite quick as they could do it all themselves. Some even had some time to have fun with Summer fast finishers activities!
Before that I am joining Oh boy 4th grade on the linky party. I enjoyed reading what is everybody doing. It’s a great idea for us, blog stalkers. 😉
Let's swap houses! U.S. – Spain…sounds like a deal to me 🙂
I finish June 29th… we can do it!
My Second Sense