04 May

Teacher Appreciati​on Week Sale, new craft and a freebie

So many things going on this week. I feel exhausted!
But let’s start from the beginning. This Sunday starts the Teacher Appreciati​on Week Sale on TPT. And it lasts three days!
Don’t forget using the code to get an 10% extra on my already discounted store.
I have been working hard this week and I have two new products in my store:
My Summer craftivity kids. Two swimming kids that will hold our students’ best works. 

I have been trying to get my Summer Fast Finishers pack ready for the sale, but… I just can’t do it… So I am uploading a small part of it. A color by number activity that you can download for free.

Thanks for stopping by and have fun on the sales, I will!

One Comment

  1. Lita Lita, I just found your blog through the K-2 Linky Party. I feel SO lucky, because I've been looking for a color-by-number for so long. Yours is perfect for the little ones. I teach in Maryland, but 90% of my class is Latino and Spanish is their primary language.

    I have lots of freebies on my blog, in almost every post. I also have some really cool graphic organizers and guided reading books on TPT. If you have time during the sale, I would love it if you stopped by! 🙂

    Sharon Dudley, NBCT

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