This is going to be great year! I am teaching a wonderful group of 26 secondgraders. And I am also teaching ART in English during specials!!!
I have found so many cool ideas that I won’t have time to fit them all in a single school year.
I needed a simple craft to start the year and review some colors/numbers vocabulary. I found this cute one in pinterest and it worked wonders! Check it in
Michelle’s blog I loved how she arranged the bulletin board.

This craft does not need lots of preparation. But as I only get 40 minutes a week for each group I prepared it as much as I could so it would fit in only one lesson.
The craft had to be a purpose for using English language so before making anything I taped the color on the blackboard (Yes, we still use blackboards… ). Then we wrote their names and counted the letters. They quickly understood it so we moved on with the making.
At first I stood by the colored papers so every kid should ask: Can I have some ‘blue’ paper, please?
Then I had to move to help some kids with the tearing process… It can be difficult for some firstgraders. One of the kids was in charge of the paper. And when they finished they could help the kids with the longer names.
I could not be happier with the results :)In my own classroom we were working with descriptions. I created a simple handout to write about themselves and a template to draw their portraits. You could use it in different ways.
We used the first paragraph to write about our face, the second one was for general appearance and the last one for our personality.
We did not write our names so we could use it as a guess who game during Open House next week.

As the kids were drawing I realized how similar their drawings are to my own clip art. This makes me feel honored.:)