30 Mar

Animals everywhere! Last week photos

This has been a grrrreat week in our classroom! We have learnt about animals. We started with Carnivorous/Herbivorous animals. We used this awesome idea from First Grade Fascination

She has some animals posters for free. 🙂

With this fun craftivity my students understood the different teeth shapes. 

Then we moved on to vertebrates/invertebrates. We created bees (invertebrates) and fish.

I tried using these animals as a reference because they usually have difficulty with fish and insects.
As you can see I am using lots of free drawing craftivities. I have 15 kids in my classroom this year! This makes it super easy to help each one of them without the need of using patterns.
And the results are awesome.
As an assessment I created a simple chart to fill in with foam stickers and just check the characteristics. 
After all that work we got a treat. Animal salted crakers! Can you eat a carnivore animal?

If you are studying animals you can check some animal craftivities here:


22 Mar

Spring brings flowers to the classroom!

We are finishing our plants unit and the kids wanted to make BIG flowers. I have done lots of guided drawing and print and go craftivities with them so I decided they were ready to create on their own.

We revised the parts of the plant  with Parts of a plant foldable and I created a big anchor chart with their help. 
I explained all the steps and we decided how many sheets of paper they would use and how big their flowers would be.
Then we started. It took us two sessions but it was worth it. 
We also added ten sunflower seeds on each flower.

I am a teacher…  I thought I could use this activity as an evaluation so I created this labels to be completed and added to the final craft.
Click HERE to get the labels in English & Spanish.

18 Feb

More space spanish resources

I have been working on this post for a while. We did a big space project in my school some years ago so we had many online resources to motivate our students.

The first one may be the most useful it has 5 different subjects:

1-Solar system
2-Earth layers
3-Earth representations
4-Earth movements
5-Earth globe.
It has some really good listening explanations with graphics and some activities. It may look for upper grades in the beginning but you’ll find great stuff in there.
Do check the ‘guia del profesor’ for some guidelines.
 This is a good one to find some good reading information about some space missions. It may not have great animations but it is a good source of information for your upper students.

 And last one, I love the graphics on this site. It has some information on one side and beautiful animations on the other. I can tell you that this can inspire beautiful space art.
 If you need more Space resources do check my other blog entries for SPACE and have fun.