26 Apr

Verbs unit

We are finishing our verbs unit and I just uploaded it to TPT.
We have been very busy, learning a lot with this unit. My students enjoyed making verb lists so much that today I found a ‘Funny verb list’. I wish I had taken a photo but it was something like: mear, cagar… I couldn’t help laughing, now I know it was a meaningful unit for them.
Some of the activities we enjoyed the most were the Time Travel Machine and making up silly stories about the past or the future. When I become 20 years old I will be an astronaut and I will discover a new planet….

We had a funny story about someone’s mother that did not have a 3DS as a kid and had nothing to play with. Too funny!
24 Apr

We are studying verbs

I have always thought that verbs are one of the most difficult things I teach in First Grade.
Spanish verbs aren’t easy. You need to know a lot of tenses, pronouns and learn many conjugations and irregular verbs.
In 1st-2nd grade students are not required to know all this.
So these are our objectives in this unit:
verbs anchor chart
– Learn the definition for verb.
– Being able to classify verbs depending on the ending.
– Understanding verb tenses and identifying: past, present and future tenses.
We spent some time thinking about verbs ending with -AR, -ER and -IR.
Then I did this anchor chart to remember some of those verbs. Then we traced the flower petals to match the endings written in the Sun. I love the way it looks, so I thought I could share.